galston community news

Farewell To Liz Pellinkhof, Hills Grammar Foundation Teacher

Liz catches up with foundation students Ben Jones and Lee Wood at their 20-year reunion

For over forty years Liz has been a part of the very fabric of Hills Grammar.

In 1982 Liz was appointed as a foundation primary school teacher for the fledgling K-Yr 9 school. She was one of 14 teachers and was charged with a composite Year 2/3 class. “It was such a thrill to be a part of this genuinely independent school that focused on every student achieving their very best in a truly magnificent environment. It was also a very familiar environment as the property, Chelsea Park, was previously owned by good Pony Club friends – the Jacksons.’

The school promoted professional learning and opportunities for staff from the very beginning. “The joy of a young school is the opportunity to tap into one’s creativity and push a few envelopes without the boundaries of conservatism and doctrine. A diverse student population with a forward-thinking leadership saw my Year 5 class enjoying Philosophy and Survival classes alongside their core curriculum.” Liz returned from a couple of maternity leaves to teach Drama K-6 and History in the Senior School, then took up further study in School Marketing.

From 1996, Liz led the Community Relations and Marketing Department which played into her love of writing and photography. “You forget how different it was back then when you took the pictures, wrote the story, raced up to the chemist to have them developed then charged into the Hills News and Hills Shire Times offices with your offering for the next edition.”

She established the Class Parent Network and kept in good contact with alumni and their families which stood her in good stead when she decided to go part-time five years ago as Alumni Manager. Her children Nick and Antony went to ‘Hills’ from Kindy- Year 12 and husband Eric and his bush band have played at countless Bush Dances and special events throughout the past 40 years.

“I have been so incredibly fortunate to work with inspirational Principals, teachers and students. Now, I can part with many good friends from the Hills community and so very many incredible memories!”

So, it’s farewell to the last remaining foundation staff member of Hills Grammar, but it is quite possible it won’t the last they see of her.