galston community news

Here’s To A Happy New Bowling Year!

Dural Country Club bowlers returned to the greens on Saturday January 2nd, looking forward to another year of fun, friendship and camaraderie!

Earlier in December saw our first Christmas Celebration as a unified Club. An enjoyable morning of social bowls was followed by a delicious lunch catered for by Fedeles Restaurant, with tables beautifully decorated by Angela Scovazzi and flowers donated by our sponsors TJ Andrews.

Presentations were made including Awards to Tom Trovato Men’s Player of the Year, Men’s Most Improved Player Phil Laing and an Encouragement Award to Elizabeth Goode.


Bowling Year
Jack Attack

Dural Country Club Bowls inaugural Jack Attack was a resounding success, with the ultimate winners “The Limping Ladies” Judith Fay Taylor, Elizabeth Whelan and Ruth Keene. So we’ve decided to do it all again, in a 4 week Competition commencing Friday February 5th at 5p.m.

It’s a short, sharp, snappy style of bowls with no experience necessary. Simply make up your team of three, give it a crazy name and register by phoning Robyn 0416 035 655 by Friday 29th January. Cost is only $10 per person per week. So, come join in the fun….
you’ll have a “bowl”!!!

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