galston community news

I love my job….

The beautiful thing about selling property in the Hills Rural district is no one property is the same and more importantly neither are the property owners. The people I have met and the lives I have been able to help through understanding their family needs has been extremely rewarding.

This community is strong and the history is fascinating, it’s the basis on which this rural community thrives. I have been honoured to meet the beautiful Sylvia Braham who has lived in the area over 50 years, what an inspiration and now a dear friend. I have had the chance to learn about where I grew up with Paul and Celia Van Tilburg over 35 yrs in the district and learn about the local wildlife over a cuppa. I have had the chance to sell and buy for members of the local Pony Club and secure amazing horse properties they never would have considered.

Recently I attended a fund raiser with Gary Mangan the Manager from our Local Galston Bendigo Bank, he said ‘the Community spirit is like no other’ and I responded ‘Yes, the willingness to be genuinely helpful is real and that’s what I want to be known for in my community’.  

Beth O’Brien – Local Property Expert.


Congratulations to Bernardette Makhraz from Scissor and Comb Connection hair salon in Galston ,who married Alexander Dakhoul on Saturday 30th December 2017.

The couple were married at St George Maronite Church in Thornleigh ,followed by  huge celebrations with lots of  family and friends at Le Montage Reception venue in Lilyfield .

Bernie and Alex enjoyed  their honeymoon time  in Phuket Thailand .

We wish them both every  happiness and joy  in their future lives together .

Marriage of Louise and Chris

On the 30th of December at the Glenorie RSL I married Louise Colbourne to Christopher Rogers. Louise, the daughter and step daughter of Margaret and Alan Thew from Glenorie met Chris in a most unusual way. As Chris lived in England he and Louise formed a bond through writing emails and chatting through the internet. Neither started this friendship with any expectation but it was love which they both found. They both now live in England but travelled to Australia to be wed. Chris had a small entourage of family to embrace the experience with him. It was a lovely scene at the back of the club, over looking the mountains and all, including myself had a wonderful time.

For all those Yes voters.

To all those ‘yes’ voters I want to say a big thank you because I have been able to witness first hand the joy and relief which is felt by same sex couples choosing to marry. Within 3 days and only 10days after it became legal I married two sets of couples. Two girls followed by two men. The absolute joy which exuded from them was palpable and I was totally overwhelmed with pride to be able to make their desire to wed a reality. How lucky am I to have this authority to marry couples but especially at this time which now includes same sex couples. It will soon become the norm but at the moment I am riding high on the support of those who voted yes..

Sad but happy

This is a little bit of a sad story, but happy too. We are big animal lovers here at Round Corner Dental. Between us we could fill a small zoo with all our furry/feathery friends – dogs, cats, birds, guinea pigs and even at one stage a mouse. Although it regrettably (or fortunately, depending on who you ask) it got a taste of adventure and 

hasn’t been seen in some time…
Sadly, I had to say goodbye to my Jack Russell Terrier, Rosie. She was 19 years old, and absolutely the best friend I ever had. I’m 26 now, so she had been with me the majority of my life and certainly some of the hardest parts of it thus far. She was a complete rascal, and maintained remarkably good health up until the last 6 months of her life so she still had plenty of energy to make a nuisance of herself. I’ve heard Jack Russell’s are particularly well known for their ‘selective hearing’- somehow, she would never hear us scolding her for barking at possums but could hear the opening of a tin of food from miles away. She always knew when my sister or I were upset about something and would come and sit with her head on our lap until we felt better. She tolerated countless games of ‘dress-up’ and at one stage wandered around quite happily in a hot-dog outfit for months – a point of great amusement for all. I know many of the readers out there are dog-lovers and will understand – she really was part of the family. We miss her every day and the house is very quiet, but I’m certain she’s in doggy heaven with a tennis ball in her mouth and a BBQ chicken on her mind! Dogs really are man’s best friend.  – Miranda, Round Corner Dental. 

Little entrepreneurs

Toni Liddle from Arcadia, wants to give a huge shout out to her local postman in Arcadia. During the holidays her children along with the neighbours children decided that they were going to try and sell their old teddies out the front of their house. Bargain, $2 each. All parents suspected that it would probably be a fruitless exercise but supported their children’s entrepreneurial spirit.  Great delight, the local postie drove past and gave the kids $10 and didn’t even take a teddy…what an awesome guy. It absolutely made everyone’s day, especially the kids. It just proves that doesn’t cost a fortune to spread happiness….by you reading this the happiness continues.

My little entrepreneur

This story reminds me of a incident when my children were young. Because I had 5 children in 7 years I was either pregnant or caring for an infant, plus toddlers for a hectic 10 years. During this time when I probably had 4 children, with my eldest about 6. They had found my camera (the old fashioned type with film,,,remember??) Playing around with the camera they used up the whole roll. Me, not happy, banished them to their rooms. Despite it being 25 years ago I still see this so scenario clearly,,,, while peeling apples, even with the children relegated to their rooms I recognised that the house was way too quiet. Investigating, I found no children in the house.

Our home was situated at the top of a very steep hill on a narrow road and while it was a quiet street there was through traffic. I found my children standing beside the road with a very long branch with my eldest (who continues to this day to make life interesting for himself and those who surround him) using it as a boom gate to stop traffic. Once a car stopped he then demanded a toll. His intention was to make back the money to pay for the film he had used. Oh dear….so funny but even funnier that there were some generous neighbours who supported his pursuit and he made 80cents.  Might not seem like a fortune now but at the time that was a spectacular result.