galston community news

Great Learning and Great Fun!

The students in Years 3 to 6 were privileged in participating in two Online Coding sessions run by the UNSW Robogals on their first day back at school. The students used the platform Tinkercad in the Introduction to Arduino workshop and Reply. Learning

its platforms for the Introduction to Python workshop. The university students were able to work with our students in small breakout rooms. It was a wonderful opportunity for all our primary students and comments such as ‘Can we do this tomorrow?’ and ‘That was great!’ showed how everyone was engaged.

Robogals is an international student-run organisation that aims to inspire, engage, and empower young women to consider studying engineering and related fields. Its primary activity is interactive, engineering-based workshops for girls aged between 8-18. We were very fortunate to be able to have members of the Robogals team from the University of New South Wales lead the workshops with our students.

It was very exciting to meet with our Kindergarten 2022 parents during our Kindergarten Parent Information Night. Mums and Dads were able to meet the other parents and ask all those questions both big and small.

We are holding Orientation Days for the children later this term. The sessions enable our new students to become familiar with the school environment and classroom routines. Our current students are looking forward to welcoming the new students, especially with our traditional Teddy Bears’ Picnic on the last Orientation Day.

In 2022 we are very fortunate to be able to offer Before and After School Care at our OOSH run by the Northwest Community Childcare. Our students love the variety of activities offered after school by the team of educators.

This term we are looking forward to the total refurbishment of all the toilets and the upgrading of the Wi-Fi network throughout the school. Great things happening at Hillside.

We are taking enrolments for 2022. Please contact the School Office on 02 9652 1459.

Small Schools are Great Schools!

Saunders Electrical Group