galston community news

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade – Bushfire Season


As we approach another bushfire season, the importance of preparation and planning cannot be overstated. The reality is that during a severe bushfire event, the availability of firefighting resources may be stretched thin. The Hills District is home to 17 Bushfire Brigades and approximately 65 firefighting appliances. There are limited fire trucks to go around, so it is important to understand the risk of living in a bushfire prone area and ensure we are prepared well in advance.

Here are some simple steps you can do to ensure you and your family are prepared:
1) Know Your Capability: Understanding your own abilities and limitations is the first step toward making informed decisions during a bushfire emergency. Factors such as physical fitness, age, and familiarity with the area and firefighting equipment should all be considered. It’s important to assess whether you are adequately equipped to stay and defend your property or if evacuation is the safer option.

2) Develop a Comprehensive Plan: It is essential that every household has taken time to prepare and update their bushfire survival plan for this upcoming fire season. It is important to sit down with your family, discuss evacuation routes, and have a designated safe meeting point. Consider the needs of pets and livestock as well. For more information on preparing a bushfire survival plan please visit:

3) Stay and Defend or Evacuate: This decision is one of the most critical aspects of your bushfire survival plan. Staying to defend your property requires careful consideration of your skills, available resources, and the level of risk. If you choose this option, ensure you have the necessary firefighting equipment, protective gear, and a clear understanding of fire behaviour. However, it’s important to note that defending your property should not jeopardise your safety – your life is the top priority.

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade - Bushfire SeasonOn the other hand, if you decide to evacuate, do so early and adhere to the advice provided by local authorities. Waiting too long to leave can result in being caught in dangerous conditions, hindering emergency services’ ability to assist you. Remember that roads may become congested, and visibility could be severely limited during a bushfire.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your local brigade who will be more than happy to assist you.

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade is particularly appreciative of the community support we receive. This month we would like to recognise a few of those who give freely to ensure the Brigade remains relevant and operational:

• Our thanks go to Daniel Bothamley @ Top Gun Plumbing and Angus Feely @ Out Back Plumbing for your timely help when it was needed.

• Amanda and Rhys Coles from Stone Real Estate have kindly gifted a reciprocating saw to the Brigade. Recent experiences in our community have shown a need for the Brigade to carry this specific piece of equipment and we were fortunate in being able to acquire it so quickly.

• Matt Bremner was very kind to run a BBQ recently with the proceeds gifted to the Brigade. Many thanks to Matt and his mates for their support

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