galston community news

Galston Fire-spotting Tower

The Eye In The Sky Keeping The Community Safe From Summer Bushfires
A GROUP WITHIN HORNSBY KU-RING-GAI SUPPORT BRIGADE (ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED) The advantages of a Fire-Spotting Tower is the ability to sight smoke long before the calls come in from the public.

• Men or women over the age of 18.
• Desire to help the community.
• Being trained in Tower procedure and map reading
• Being on a two hour roster on Total Fire Ban days.
Two persons per shift.
• Help with the occasional working bee and participate in Brigade training sessions.

A Rural Fire Service uniform will be provided after the RFS training period.

Galston Fire-spotting TowerHISTORY OF THE TOWER
The 60ft Galston Fire-Spotting Tower began operations in 1977. Located off Crosslands Road Galston. It had been a redundant electricity tower that members of the Galston Bushfire Brigade transformed. The cabin was built from steel at the Galston RFS station and lowered onto the tower with a crane. lt operates in conjunction with the 100ft high Berowra Tower.

The equipment in the Tower is completely solar powered and has been since it was built.

From the Tower a 360 degree view takes in the lower Blue Mountains, the Central Coast and the North Shore. There are still some members of the team with over 45 years service. The summer fire season is from the 1st October to 31st March or extended when proclaimed.

For further details or a visit Contact: Paul Browning – Galston Tower Coordinator 0419 407 010