galston community news

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

At the end of last year we had 8 Members complete their Basic Firefighting course. From helping with Storm Damage for a number days in a row to being on crews at the out of control fire at Maroota South they certainly have been busy putting their expertise to use.

The next Basic Firefighting course is scheduled to start in the middle of March. If you’re interested in joining the Rural Fire Service then please let us know as soon as possible so we can get the recruitment paperwork completed and commence pre-course training.

On Saturday, 5th of January at 4:05pm Glenorie Members were called to assist an out of control fire at Maroota South. By the time members had arrived the fire had been upgraded to an emergency warning. The fire was moving fast and threatening a large number of assets with most people evacuating. Upon the initial crews arrival they were very busy carrying out property protection and trying to stop the fire from spreading. Luckily no assets were lost and the fire was successfully extinguished. It was a very welcome relief to see the rain to cool members down and help with “mopping up” after the fire. Thanks to the large number of crew that attended the incident including a number of aerial appliances. It certainly was a very busy afternoon. We would like to use this opportunity to remind residents to a) make sure your Bushfire Survival plan is up to date and b) download the Fires Near Me app on your mobile. If you need help with either of these, please contact us one of the phone numbers at the end of this article. Attached image of Fireground and an Air Crane at the Fire.

Craig Whiteman from Glenorie Fire Brigade was deployed through part January to help battle the fires they’re experiencing in Tasmania. Craig was part of a specialised team called RAFT (Remote Area Firefighting Team). The team are placed in remote areas by Helicopter. Once they’re on the Fireground they use a number of different dry fire fighting techniques to try and assist with the combat of the fire. It certainly was hard work for them and they did a great job helping out Firefighters in Tasmania. Attached image of deployment team including NSW Paramedics.

At the time of writing this article the weather is still very hot. The forecast is that the temperature will remain above average with a minimal amount of rainfall. We urge residents to remain vigilant. Make sure your property is kept Fire Safe and that your Bush Fire Survival Plan is up to date. If you need help with this, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

For further information go to or contact the Brigade: Station Phone: 9652 2017 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or talk to a real person, James: 0422 168 914. Visit the brigade stand at the Glenorie Growers Market on the fourth Sunday of the month in the grounds of Glenorie RSL. Facebook: Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade. Email: [email protected]