galston community news


I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas break and a positive start to the New Year.

The recent storms have had a serious impact on property throughout the ward and Council teams have been busy offering assistance. Over 600 service requests have been attended to, with more than 4,000 cubic metres of material collected, mulched and processed.

For those dealing with on-site tree debris it may be helpful to know that we have reviewed and improved our pile burn permit process to be significantly more efficient. Residents need only answer a few questions through Council’s website and will receive a permit the same day. Some changes to approved times to burn have also occurred.

I am also pleased to announce that Oculus Landscape Architecture and Urban Design are the successful tenderer for the next steps in our public domain strategy for Galston village. Community engagement is expected to begin in March.

In keeping with the village improvement strategy, a cost analysis for gateway improvements to Glenorie village bus terminus area has been completed and should go before Council after some further consultation with the RMS.

The review of our Land and Environment Plan continues and has attracted correspondence from many members of the community. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are aware of, or have concerns about, planning anomalies that exist within our current LEP. It is important that our planning instruments meet the needs of our local community, as well as providing support for business and our local amenity.