galston community news

Galston Uniting Church

Ladies Choir
In August 2005, fourteen ladies came together at GUC to form a choir. The men’s choir had been singing together for some years and the ladies decided they would also like to worship in this way. Six of the ladies who turned up that night are still singing with the choir. You don’t have to be a member of Galston Uniting to enjoy singing with this group. Two of the girls travel from Parramatta and have joined after attending the gentle exercise classes held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the church. You don’t even have to read music. On some dark/ cold or hot/sticky evenings it is a temptation to cancel the practise but at 9pm we are still laughing and sharing with each other – making it all worthwhile.

Creativity Service – Sunday 25 November – 10.00am
The photo is of the Ladies Choir singing in front of some of the quilts at our Creativity Service last year and that is coming up again soon! An invitation is extended to all to attend this year’s Creativity Service on Sunday 25 November, in celebration of the creative talents of people in the district, many of which will be displayed … quilting, needlework, painting, photography and knitting to name a few.

Bible Study
Understanding what the Bible says to us is central to our walk of faith as Christians. To this end, Bible Study is held at the church on Friday mornings during school term from 9:15am-10:30am – ‘Abiding in Christ’ (Life Guide) will be our study this term (John 13: 31-17:26). If you are interested in learning more, please join us. Our group focuses upon applying the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives as well as providing practical and spiritual support for each other.

Minister Rev Geoff Smith | 11 School Road, Galston 2159 | Phone 9653 2039 |

Prager Building