galston community news


Wheat Bag Safety
Wheat bags are great for soothing aches and pains but should never be used in bedding materials. Wheat bags can ignite and shouldn’t be used to warm beds while you’re sleeping. Firefighters have responded to numerous residential fires that have occurred due to wheat bags overheating in the microwave oven or wheat bags being used to warm beds.

Tips for using wheat bags

  • Regularly check your wheat bag for signs of wear and tear or scorching. With age the fillings dry out and become combustible.
  • Don’t overheat the wheat bag by placing it in the microwave longer than specified by the manufacturer.
  • Don’t leave the wheat bag unsupervised in the microwave.
  • Don’t let anyone, particularly children or the elderly sleep with a wheat bag.

∞ Don’t use the wheat bag to warm your bed up, as it may spontaneously ignite.

∞ Don’t reheat the wheat bag before it has properly cooled.

∞ A wheat bag should be cooled down on a non-combustible surface before storing.

∞ Only use wheat bags for direct application to body aches and pains.

If your wheat bag begins to smoulder or catches fire ring Triple Zero Immediately.

For more fire safety tips visit

Galston Firies in Focus:
Each month this year the Galston Rural Fire Brigade will feature a short interview with one of our members. It is a great way to discover just how diverse your local fire brigade can be.

Greg Milne
How long have you been a part of Galston Rural Fire Brigade?

» Coming up on two years What is your role there?

» Firefighter and Brigade President When you’re not at the brigade, what do you do for a living?

» After 45 years as a senior executive running large Australian and international retailers I have semi-retired but continue to work as a nonexecutive director and board advisor to large retail chains on strategic retail management.

What made you join the RFS?
» My career involved extensive travel both in Australia and overseas (living in the US for five years) and very long hours. In 2004 we moved to Galston and when I finally managed to retire I felt it was time to give back, get to know this fantastic community, and make some friends in the process.

Have you learnt skills in the RFS that you’ve used elsewhere?
» Yes. The RFS offers an enormous number of fantastic training opportunities be it in front-line firefighting, leadership, first aid, support, community engagement or even more technical roles such as aviation – the challenge is to fit them all in!

What makes the RFS family unique?
» Everyone I have met be it in training, on the fire ground, at an incident or socially, all demonstrate a selfless, dedicated commitment to the job at hand and the support and safety of their colleagues. A unique camaraderie, high standard of professionalism and a family like culture, are the keys to Galston brigade’s success.

What is a fond memory you have of your time at the brigade?
» I have so many it is hard to pick. Ranging from the warm welcome when I first joined from all the officers and members, their tolerance and coaching as I gained experience to the interaction with the local community during events like the annual Santa Run and Galston Club raffles.

How is being in the RFS rewarding?
» Every call-out, every incident is different. There is always something new to learn from new experiences – that is reward in itself. From helping to save property during last season’s Bilpin fires, the long days and late nights on strike teams, assisting with storm damage in the area to being on out of area deployment, all are hard work and all are rewarding as you can see what you have achieved – just what I joined up for.

Duty mobile: 0491 119 152
Email: [email protected]

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