galston community news

Galston Garden Club

Our speaker for September was from the Frog and Tadpole study group. We were given an interesting talk on the various frogs that live in Australia, more specifically in the Sydney area. They brought in a selection of frogs for us to see.

There was a beautiful specimen of a Green Tree frog that sat on a log during the whole talk and didn’t more a muscle. Later he was fed a cricket and it was fascinating to see how frogs deal with food. There was also a pretty Striped Marsh frog and an ugly cane toad which is slowly moving across north of Australia to WA, killing wildlife. We also heard the calls of several frogs. Anyone interested in identifying fogs in their garden can call 0419249728 for further information and there is also an App called Frog ID from the Australian museum which will help with identification. A fascinating night and highly recommended.

Have some spare time between Fri 18th – Sun 20th October? You must check out the Galston Open Gardens Weekend, which is not far off now. Last month we took a quick peek at five of the gardens, now let’s check out the other four. Heading up to Arcadia the Guest garden at 10 Blacks Rd is a Tuscan inspired garden with hidden rooms and water features, if you have visited before there are new additions to explore. When you’re finished pop into the Kostis and Bartlett garden right next door at 8 Blacks Rd, a creative collectors garden that will delight the avid gardener. Then it’s on up to the Ronco’s garden at 12 Ridge Rd, this undulating parkland style garden has meandering pathways throughout and if roses are your favourite this garden has hundreds to admire. If you are into something different then this year Northholm Grammar school at 79 Cobah Rd will also be opening as part of the Open Gardens weekend. The school is spread over 25 landscaped acres and of special interest is the Agricultural Trade Training Centre featuring an aquaponics system (integrated plant growth and fish culture in raised beds), wicking beds, sensory garden as well you can go on a bush walk around the large dams to visit the Galloway cattle.

The gardens are open from 9.30-4.30 tickets are $25 which gives entrance to all gardens, or $5 per garden, children under 18 free. Tickets can be purchased at each garden or from outside the Galston Club. For enquiries: Bill Fleming 9653 2394, check our website or email: [email protected]

It was with great enthusiasm club members boarded a bus to for the much anticipated Canberra trip on the last weekend of August. The Social committee did a wonderful job all year planning and organising a lovely weekend. By all accounts members had a ball as they visited gardens, did some sightseeing around Canberra and also managed to check out the Monets at the Art Gallery.

Please note new start time of 7.30pm! The Galston Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 7.30pm, new members and visitors are warmly welcomed, as well there is a lovely supper provided. For more information, visit our website: