galston community news

Galston CWA News

CWA Galston celebrated their International Day at their August meeting. This year the country of study was Poland. Mrs Marianna Lacek and her husband, both from Poland, joined us. Marianna was a High School teacher in Sydney and showed photos and told us many interesting things about Poland and its people. We also welcomed guests, including the CWA Nepean Group International Officer.

We then enjoyed an absolutely delicious ‘Polish inspired’ lunch. Soups, a selection of main courses and some wonderful desserts including a platter of small pastries filled with apple which Marianna had brought along. Coin donations from members and visitors will be given to the ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) for use overseas.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 12th September, 2018 – 10am for a cuppa. Bring your craft or knitting. Our Handicraft Officer will be bringing knitting patterns for a multi-patterned blanket. Come along and learn to knit or improve your skills. This month please bring your own sandwich/salad for lunch, as our Cookery Officer will be away. Lunch will be followed by our business meeting.

We meet at the Galston Health and Resource Centre, cnr The Glade and 17 Arcadia Road, Galston. Visitors are most welcome to attend.

We also welcome donations of fabrics, yarns and craft items.

The Country Women’s Association is the largest women’s organization in Australia, and works for the welfare of women, families and communities, especially in country areas.

For more details please contact Val 9653 1774 or Pam 9653 1036. Visit our facebook page –