galston community news
Clare oliver


Coronavirus is changing the way we live, the way we work, the way we commute (or don’t), the way we consume, the way we educate our children, the way we gather in community and the way we relate to each other.

It is not just a health issue, though its potential to test our health system is unprecedented.

The privations of the present make us grateful for the things we have – our family, the beauty of our neighbourhood and the acts of kindness of our neighbours and those people doing essential work in our local shops and government services making our lives easier.

But we cannot ignore the darker side of what coronavirus is doing to our society.

The change in life is putting a great strain on the mental health of many Australians as they understandably but wrongly question their sense of self-worth.

Can I say to anyone who is struggling: “You matter. Your life matters”.

The Government is investing in growing the capacity of Beyond Blue’s coronavirus hotline 1800 512 348, Lifeline 13 11 14 and Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800. Additional funding has also been provided to help people experiencing domestic violence especially through 1800 RESPECT.

I want to thank the front-line health and community service that is helping us through these difficult times.

The unprecedented economic challenge we are facing is putting a huge strain on our community.

I will never forget seeing the Hornsby Centrelink queue stretching more than a block and a half filled with many Australians who would never have imagined themselves standing in a Centrelink line.

The Federal Government has made the decision to spend $320 Billion on JobSeeker and JobKeeper and related measures to help people who have lost their jobs and help people who still have their jobs to keep their jobs.

For information on the Federal Government’s response visit –a central website to help Australians navigate the support Australian Government is providing during coronavirus.

To receive updates with the latest announcements from the Government and helpful information email me [email protected] and follow me on Facebook JulianLeeserMP

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