galston community news

Does The CWA Need A Makeover?

As celebrations wrap up after our 100th year birthday month, a conversation we had to have at the state conference was whether to amend or axe references to God and the monarchy in the opening lines of the CWA Galston’s famous state motto, recited at meetings across the state since 1922.

‘Honour to God, Loyalty to Throne, Service to the Country, Through Country Women, For Country Women, By Country Women.’

Should the motto be changed to suit changes in Australian society since Federation? As part of a move to help arrest declining CWA membership and encourage more diversity in its ranks, CWA delegates voted at state conference to have a referendum on whether the CWA’s state motto should be modernised to be more inclusive.

CWA Galston“The demographics of 100 years ago are very different from today’s,” the motion said. In order for the CWA to flourish it should be accessible to as many women as possible. Using language that may exclude potential members makes the association less accessible to those women.

The motion to hold a referendum was carried decisively with applause.

While it is incredible that our founding branches still exist 100 years later, we must take every opportunity to remain current and ensure these branches still exist in another 100 years. But what will the new slogan be? If you’d like to have your say, come along to our next meeting. As a branch looking to increase our membership and engage a younger demographic, we’d love to hear your thoughts.

CWA Galston meet on the second Wednesday of each month and regularly hold a fortnightly craft day where you can come and learn how to knit, crochet, sew, or just have a chat with a bunch of lovely locals over a cup of tea.

Meeting details are posted on our Facebook page, or for more information please contact Jann 0439 222 217 or Pam 02 9653 1036. [email protected]