galston community news
James Wallace MP

Rural Roundup: Hornsby Councillor Warren Waddell

Community News: During May I had the pleasure of attending the Eastbend Rural Communications Inc. meeting. I was joined by my Hills Council colleagues, Mayor Peter Gangemi and his Deputy Mitchell Blue.

Together we were presented with a list of concerns facing the local rural community. These issues included:

  • Speed and road user conduct on main roads
  • Cumulative impacts of industry on public roads
  • Community and environment issues
  • Litter and illegal dumping

Although many of the issues relate to our State road network and their contractors, it was widely viewed that driver conduct on all of our roads was of real concern.

Rural Roundup, disaster management

On all of the issues Councillors agreed that we will act as a community conduit for any items that may or may not be under direct Council jurisdiction.

On exhibition this month is the latest draft plan for the upgrade of Galston Village. It is important that any comments or suggestions are registered as soon as possible so construction may begin. Attend the AGRA meeting on the 27th May at The Galston Club for a presentation of the plan, look for signs throughout the village or use the ”Have Your Say” link on Council’s website.

Also on the planning front, a consultant has been selected that will help guide the process of preparing a village planning proposal for Glenorie.

With the first stage of the Rural Land study recommendations now complete, work will now begin on delivering the community vision for Glenorie’s future.

As always, happy to assist with any issues by contacting me on the following: [email protected] Ph: 0499 004 861.

Air Perfection