galston community news

From The Desk Of Matt Kean

I was thrilled to host a group of Legal Studies year 11 students, from Pacific Hills Christian School, in Parliament last month. I was particularly impressed with their knowledge of the workings of the NSW Parliamentary system. The future of our state is in good hands with engaged and interested students like these.

Last month, I attended various ANZAC Day ceremonies across the electorate and I was especially privileged to have been invited to give an address at the Glenorie Dawn Service. Once again, the numbers in attendance were very strong right across the Hornsby electorate and the entire state.

bushfire season matt kean, Northern Road, From The Desk Of Matt Kean - New Line Road

Another special ANZAC Day ceremony I was pleased to have been able to attend was the Wisemans Ferry’s mid-morning ceremony. As this area is new to my electorate I have never previously had the opportunity to be part of an ANZAC Day ceremony at Wisemans Ferry. The organizers should be very proud, as they did a wonderful job, with a beautiful service delivered. I know it was appreciated by the large crowd in attendance.

Finally, I am so pleased to see the reopened Galston Aquatic Centre is once again being extremely well utilized. I know the extended closure during the rebuild was very frustrating for many swimmers, but, since it reopened in December, this refurbished facility has returned better than ever. This has also seen the resurgence of the Galston Swimming Club.

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