Celebrating 50 Years of Galston Chamber of Commerce…
Shortly after forming The Galston Chamber of Commerce in 1971, a need was evident for a local paper to inform the community about local happenings and assist local businesses in promoting themselves through advertising.
From the original Galston & District News, to the current Galston, Glenorie & Hills Rural Community News, a local paper has been running continuously with monthly editions since its inception in 1971. Despite minor name changes and different owners, its ethos and format have not changed in that time.
The Community News is just that; it offers a platform for the community voice, a notice board for events, encourages involvement, provides information, entertainment and supports local community groups.
The Galston News has grown from 28 black and white pages to 64 full gloss colour pages. It has always been a free publication thanks to the support of the advertisers. We thank them all, past and present, for their role in this 50 year celebration of the magazine.
The magazine’s continued success is also attributed to the various community organisations and individuals who submit articles each month. Thank you for providing such wonderful, newsworthy and interesting articles.
We also acknowledge the fine work and dedication of former editors and staff.
It does take a village to create a village paper.
Celebrating 5
0 Years Celebrating 50 Years Celebrating 50 Years Celebrating 50 Years
Table of Contents