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Celebrate 30 Years Of Hornsby Fountain

Friday at the Hornsby Fountain on Friday 24th November is an opportunity for the community to come together in Hornsby Mall and enjoy live entertainment, family friendly activities, a pop-up bar and a variety of food trucks.

There will also be a formal ceremony to celebrate the revitalisation of the fountain, after refurbishments have been made possible by a grant from the Australian Government.

The fountain clock will transform into a musical instrument “played” live by one of New South Wales’ only carillonists. This will be a one-of-a-kind symphony, with the raincoat-adorning musician playing the musical pipes from inside the fountain.

Hornsby Shire Mayor Philip Ruddock AO says the fountain is a Hornsby landmark that stands out as an icon of the town centre.

“Our unique fountain-clock, Man, Time and the Environment, as it’s officially known, has been a central point of Hornsby Mall and part of our lives, for 30 years,” said Mayor Ruddock.

The sculpture was designed and built by Victor Cusack to pay tribute to the beauty of the environment in Hornsby Shire.

Friday at the Fountain will take place from 4pm to 8pm on Friday 24th November in Hornsby Mall, and residents are invited to come along with family and friends to enjoy this fabulous free event.

Community events like this are part of Council’s range of initiatives to build resilience in the community and help combat social isolation, by providing opportunities for people to connect. For more information, visit