galston community news

Bromeliad Society Of Australia – Mini Fair With Peter Tristram Bromeliad Guru | 9am – 3pm On Sat 10 August

The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold a very special event at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 10 August commencing at 9am until 3pm.

A Mini Fair featuring rare and interesting bromeliads from Peter Tristram, Forest Drive Nursery at Repton, NSW and recognised as a guru in the Bromeliad world. A great collector and grower, he will discuss his trips to Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, Colombia, Brazil and Europe and his pursuit of unique plants growing in their natural habitat. There will also be a variety of bromeliads available for sale from our local growers.

Peter is also known throughout Sydney for his huge annual Bromeliad Fair held in Concord. Due to ongoing venue issues the Bromeliad Society of Australia has invited him to share his knowledge and plants at this very special event that is open to the general public.

Peter will give three talks during the day at 11am, 12pm and 1pm and during these times sale tables will be closed for 1/2 hour. This is a free event with plenty of parking on site.

But be early to get those very special Tristram bromeliads. Access is via the Showground entrance off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill.

Meetings include plant sales, club news, raffles and competitions as well as providing an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in a friendly and inviting environment. Contact Ian Hook – mobile 0408 202 269, email: [email protected] website:

Air Perfection