galston community news
Turrell Building

Free Native Plants!

Once again, a generous donor has enabled Still Creek Landcare to offer free local native plants to landowners who live in Hornsby Council’s rural area, or Hills Shire along Old Northern Road. We want the plants to go to people who are clearing privet or lantana or other weeds and who wish to revegetate with native plants. Also those who want to revegetate their roadside nature strip, or create a wildlife corridor or a similar activity.

If that sounds like you, contact Nick Chartorisky on 9653 2056. We will help you work out what plants would suit your property from the varieties available at the Nurseries we source from.

We will then deliver the plants as well as provide advice on how to plant and care for them. In addition to the free plants we can provide Organic Soil conditioners for each plant that will help in its early development.

The minimum number of plants will be 1 tray of 40 tubes. Plants can include trees, shrubs or groundcovers. Trays and tubes are to be returned Still Creek Landcare when you have finished with them.

You cannot buy local native plants from retail nurseries, so this is a special opportunity. The plants are top quality. I look forward to hearing from you.

For more information about Landcare, go to or Facebook.

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