galston community news


The Berowra Waters ferry delivers an essential service to the local community and visitors. The ferry provides safe passage over Berowra Creek to over 23,000 vehicles and almost 4000 pedestrians each month.

Transport for NSW will upgrade the ferry ramps at Berowra Waters to ensure a safe, reliable ferry service. This will improve the lifespan of the ferry service for another 10 years, with ongoing maintenance.

Work on the upgrade will start on Monday 1 June 2020. This work will take six weeks and will require the ferry to temporarily close. Work hours will be between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday and between 8am and 1pm on Saturday.

While the ferry will be closed, Bay Road and Berowra Waters Road will remain open to all road users.

Upgrades to the ferry ramps at Berowra Waters will be undertaken between Monday 1 June and Monday 13 July. The ferry will be closed during this time and patience and understanding by the community are called upon while this important work is carried out.

Upgrade includes

• upgrade the eastern and western ferry ramps at Berowra Waters – the new ramps will be built over the existing structures

• install underwater barriers around the new ramps to reduce wear and tear from tides and sediment

• resurface the roads approaching the new ferry ramps.

While the ferry is closed the suggested detour for motorists is via Galston Gorge. There won’t be any planned maintenance along the detour during the ferry closure.

Pedestrian and cyclist access across Berowra Creek

During this period of maintenance a water taxi service will be provided for pedestrians and cyclists to enable key access from one side to the other. Covid19 restrictions will be adhered too.

This water taxi service will be free, and will run:
• between 6am and 10am and between 3pm and 7pm on weekdays
• between 8am and 6pm on Saturdays
• between 8am and 4pm on Sundays and public holidays.

If you have particular special needs or circumstances in relation to the ferry crossing during the closure, please contact the project team on 1800 861 855 or refer to our website for more detail