galston community news

Arcadian Quilting

Did you know… we live with Quatrefoils!! Quatrefoil, a beautiful shape and a wonderful new word for the vocabulary. Quilting

Four connecting shapes, appearing in so many everyday designs; on stone carvings, seen in paintings in our religious worlds; in our gardens and yes in modern day patchwork designs too!!

A recently borrowed book on design revealed wonderfully embroidered “quatrefoils”… from there the search began? What is a quatrefoil, how is this design being used today when we consider its historic timeline? Dating back to ancient Mayan times (2000 BC to 250 AD) the clear, simple connecting-shapes can still be found wherever creative work is taking place; in architecture, in fabric design, in pottery and garden layouts… the list is endless IF one takes the time to LOOK!!

Simply put a quatrefoil is a symmetrical shape with four connecting foils or lobes – like a four-leafed clover or flower with four petals, even this simple triangle border on a child’s quilt is based on ‘the quatrefoil’. Quilting

Left side photo, this cheery blue colourful quilt, on it’s way to the Assistance Dogs Programme, from there it will soon be adding another layer of re-assurance to a little person’s wellbeing.

Thinking of becoming a quilter – or – continuing with that favourite hobby?? Call in, see what we can do when creative ladies put their heads together, visitors and new members are always welcome. We meet on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of every month at 9.30am. Our venue is the Community Health Centre, The Glade, Galston. Quilting

For further information please call Carole on 9894 7749.
