galston community news

Arcadian Quilting News

What a JOY! Again we can look forward to our group meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month with some level of confidence.

The Community Health Centre at Galston is observing Covid 19 requirements very well as we are too, so … fingers crossed for the future!!

At our last meeting we had the pleasure of seeing more “Aussie Hero Quilts” … but this time the quilts were “different”.

The difference was that these quilts were made for the families of fallen heroes. The block pattern used denotes the Flanders Poppy, always in a red fabric and the quilt always includes an insignia with the serviceman’s personal details.

We were shown four completed quilts; each different from the other as individuality is important.

I found this presentation very moving and to know one or our members is dedicated to this programme makes me proud of Arcadian Quilters.

We have progress with our Raffle Quilt, blocks shared and made during our Heritage Park quilting days last year.

All hands will be on deck again when we meet next Wednesday.

For more information about US … please call Carole on 9894 7749.

New members are always welcome, craft or knitting (now that the weather is changing), tapestry or cross-stitch, wherever your interest lies you will find a likeminded new-friend within our group.

Meeting starts at 9.30am, bring your own requirements for morning tea, join us and say HELLO

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