galston community news

Arcadian Quilters-update

At Arcadian Quilters,  We ended the merry month of May with . . . COLOUR, COLOUR, COLOUR!

Isn’t this just magic …. named appropriately “Under the Sea” and to be given to a very fortunate grandson!

This is one of the “Covid-days Quilts” … ready for the final touches, and is named Four Seasons (from left to right … spring – summer followed by autumn and winter on the bottom row) … clever isn’t it!

Every meeting brings a new surprise for we members as we see just what has been achieved by others in our group.

Arcadian QuiltersStitching away during our meetings held in-the-park or at home while Covid restrictions were in place gave us the opportunity to produce many Charity Quilts.

Recipients such as Ronald McDonald House, Riding for the Disabled, Make a Wish Foundation, Doonside Womens’ Refuge and Blacktown Hospital have received a combined total of approximately 70 Quilts so far this year!

WOW I’m impressed . . . gee we have been busy.

Come and join us, see what we do, help make a difference to someone else’s life?

We meet on the 1st, 3rd and the 5th Wednesday of each month at 9.30am at the Community Health Centre, The Glade, Galston.

For further information please contact Carole on 9894 7749.

Another month is nearly over, where do all these lovely days go? Keep well, stay warm and be positive 🙂

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arcadian quiltersArcadian Quilters Arcadian Quilters Arcadian Quilters