galston community news

ARCADIA RFS – St Florian’s Day

May 4th is known as St Florian’s Day, a day named after the patron saint of firefighters where we reflect on the service of current and past firefighters. St Florian’s Day award announcements was a very proud day for the Arcadia brigade.

We were one of the brigades awarded the Commissioner’s Unit Citation for Service of a meritorious nature for outstanding actions concerning fire service duties during the 2019/20 Bushfire Emergencies. Congratulations to all involved, and it was only one of the many actions where all brigades contributed in what was a difficult time.

Arcadia would like to welcome our newest members! They have been busy training for their bush firefighter course in July. Some hearty congratulations to two of our members who recently completed their crew leader assessments.

Arcadia recently held their AGM and congratulations to Michael and Ryan, who proudly took up their new roles as Deputy Captains. Congratulations to all position holders whose dedicated work will see us move forward for the year ahead. ARCADIA bridge

Winter is here, and heaters and fireplaces are used more frequently during these colder months. Just as you have a bush fire plan that you constantly revise with your household members, you should be doing the same for a house fire. Do you have a structure fire plan?

• Making sure household members know the escape plan and where the exits are,
• Never leaving open flames or cooking unattended,
• Checking electric blankets regularly for damage,
• Keep clothing away from the heater by a minimum of 1 metre,
• Do not overload power boards,
• Ensuring you have changed your fire alarm batteries and have tested them. You cannot smell smoke in your sleep ad working smoke alarms save lives. ARCADIA bridge

During these colder months, we also see more pile burns. Did you know you still require authorisation to pile burn outside of the bush fire danger period? Hornsby council require you to apply for authorisation via their website. You also need to notify NSW RFS via their website, and your neighbours a minimum of 24hr before you light.

It is also a great time to continue bush fire preparations before summer. Even if you do not live in the bush, your home and property can be impacted by embers. Do you know your fire risk? Topography, vegetation, and weather all contribute to the way fire burns. Embers can travel kilometres ahead of the fire and create new fires.

Getting prepared for a bushfire does not need to be an arduous task. Basic property and home maintenance are the best ways to start. Clean gutters and keep lawns mown can assist in decreasing your risks.

For more information on making your home safer in winter and tips for bushfire preparation, please visit the official NSW Rural Fire Service and Fire & Rescue NSW websites. ARCADIA bridge

Galston community Current and past issue