galston community news
James Wallace MP

Rural Round Up- part19

Rural Round Up

Rural Round Up: During this term of Council, I was approached on numerous occasions about expanding our off-leash dog walking facilities. In particular, the inclusion of a suitable area within Fagan Park. Well, this month I’m pleased to inform you that Council resolved to include an area within Fagan Park for this purpose. Rural Round […]

Arcadia Public School – Be Outstanding!

Arcadia Public School

Students and staff have had a very busy Term 2 at Arcadia Public School (APS). Congratulations to all students who competed in the Zone Cross Country Carnival, we are very proud of your efforts. We also have four students representing APS at the Multicultural Public Speaking Finals at Mount Colah PS on 22 June, well […]

Middle Dural Public School to receive 2021 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant

Middle Dural Public School

By Matt Kean Woolworths and Landcare Australia have announced more than 1,600 primary schools and early learning centres across Australia will be recipients of the 2021 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants. Middle Dural Public School is one of the successful schools and will receive a $1500 grant from Woolworths and Junior Landcare Australia. The school will […]

Keeping Our Telecommunications Companies in Check

Telecommunications Companies

By Julian Leeser Over the last year, I have been campaigning for Telstra to do a better job of servicing our community. Last month I announced the great news that the Government has committed to $16.4 million to establish the Peri-Urban Mobile Protection Program (PUMP). This program is designed to encourage telecommunications companies to step […]

Galston Concerts Best and Brightest

Galston Concerts

Sunday 25 July sees the next of The Galston Concerts returning to Galston Uniting Church with the customary blend of ‘best and brightest professionals and next-generation talents. The ‘double dose’ line-up offers an organ prelude starting c. 1.30 pm, as the audience arrives, with prizewinners from the Organ Music Society of Sydney Competitions, Jack Theakston […]

Hidden in the Hills – The Platypus Hub

Platypus Hub

By Lachlan Turner A recent innovation at the Community Environment Centre in Currie Avenue at Annangrove has been the establishment of the “PLATYPUS HUB”. This is an initiative in conjunction with the “Cattai Hills Environment Network”, (CHEN). CHEN is an organisation comprising of local volunteers who are concerned with the preservation of the local Hills […]

Bromeliad Society of Australia Guest Speaker – Allan Beard of Glenorie

Bromeliad Society

The next meeting of the Bromeliad Society of Australia will be on Saturday, 10 July at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, Showground Road, Castle Hill off Doran Drive. Bromeliad sales at 10 am and the meeting commencing at 12noon. The BSA is pleased to announce that local bromeliad guru Allan Beard of Glenorie will […]

Still Creek Landcare – Pollination

Still Creek Landcare

By: Nick Chartorisky Still Creek Landcare- People enjoy their gardens and will defend their favourite plants from being gobbled up or damaged by bugs. However, the impact of using general pesticides goes much further than killing the bug you aimed at. Pesticides will kill nearly every bug as well as impact the farmers who depend […]

Galston District Garden Club

Galston District Garden Club

By Greta Wickham Galston District Garden Club The Galston District Garden Club welcomes visitors and new members, and if you were not at our last meeting in June, you missed a very interesting guest speaker. Galston District Garden Club Peter Heys from Clivia and Rare plants speaking on the topic “Symbiotic Relationships” referring to relationships […]

Glenorie RFS – Be fire wise

fire wise

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, we certainly started winter in style, setting a record on June 10th for the coldest day in Sydney in 37 years. fire wise But, of course, that was a few weeks ago now, and certainly many space heaters and electric blankets were pulled out of cupboards and closets, and […]