galston community news

Rural Round Up- part19

Rural Round Up: During this term of Council, I was approached on numerous occasions about expanding our off-leash dog walking facilities. In particular, the inclusion of a suitable area within Fagan Park.

Well, this month I’m pleased to inform you that Council resolved to include an area within Fagan Park for this purpose. Rural Round Up, Rural Round Up, Rural Round Up

Also, on this month’s agenda, Council resolved to maintain its long-term budget commitment to upgrade the Galston Village Public Domain. This project is essential to ensuring Galston Village provides a safe, functional and attractive precinct for residents and visitors alike. Public domain items include such things as footpaths, pedestrian islands, curb and guttering, street furniture, paving, garbage bins, public toilets, way signage, safer parking and traffic modelling, tree planting and general landscaping.

On the environmental front, Council resolved to renew its electricity contracts and to seek 100% renewables if available within budget.

To core Council services….
Winter is upon us, and our works department have heard our concerns regarding drainage maintenance. I have had success in reinstating scheduled verge slashing and attendance to vegetation clearing in the past. However, many residents have asked for a return to scheduled maintenance of stormwater drainage throughout the rural area.

Between driveway crossovers unsupported by appropriate piping and blocked Council drains, excess water and associated debris are making their way onto our roads. I am committed to working with the community and Council staff to improve this scenario.

In addition, don’t forget winter is a good time to get a permit and address those pile burn issues.

I am happy to be contacted on these and any other issues. You may reach me on Ph 0499 004 861 or email [email protected]

Galston community Current and past issue

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