galston community news

Arcadia Galston Residents Association

AGRA held a face to face meeting on the 16th March at the Galston Club. Fantastic to see everyone, and an excellent number of people attended. Members discussed many topics relevant to our 2159 postcode.

Hornsby Council Play Plan
Councilor Warren Waddell addressed the meeting regarding the Playgrounds in the shire. The Play Plan is currently on public exhibition and awaiting community feedback. AGRA submitted correspondence for a park to be built at Arcadia Park. Councillor Waddell also mentioned that the park at Nancy Place park does not address any of the criteria for a safe park and, therefore, will be decommissioned.

Other community issues raised with Councillor Waddell were local roadworks required in Cobah Rd, Wylds Rd and Arcadia Rd, and Community parking required for those wanting to catch public transport.

Off-leash dog park at Fagan Park
AGRA was primary in getting the park concept running an off-leash dog park in the local area. Have your say while this is currently on exhibition. Overall, the meeting had a positive feel for this to transpire at Fagan Park.

Free parking for residents at Fagan Park
The chair asked Councilor Waddell about free community parking to Fagan Park as there are no safe areas to walk due to no footpaths. For many in 2159, Fagan Park is their local park. Councilor Waddell responded that Hornsby Council is reviewing all parking in the shire. Until such time there is a $45 annual pass is available to ratepayers.

Community Defibrillation project (Defib)
Three of the AGRA committee members attended the meeting held at Glenorie to investigate the background for this project. AGRA is happy to facilitate the project, but it requires community support. Members are asked to contact the committee to facilitate a meeting with the Community Defibrillation project. A date will be arranged for a local meeting.

Other discussions included a new community notice board for Galston shops, loading zones in Galston, crown land sale locally, corning trees, council clean up and an update on the Geelans Rd tip.

To keep up to date, please join your local resident association; membership is $5 per year. also on Facebook

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