Annual General Meetings are often avoided by members out of the fear they might take on more than their busy schedule allows. How fortunate then that such a meeting with DDHS, on the 14th October, was a happy time.
Enthusiastic visitors and members showed treasures and examples of their wide-ranging interests and gave a short explanation of why they were valued. For some this was a first time to stand before an audience and their sense of achievement was obvious.
The nominations for the Society Management Committee were sufficient to not require a ballot and members thanked those elected for their commitment.
The coming year will include speakers on George Hall, Cattai Creek, Murder and Mayhem and the infamous, Hellfire Pass. The June Roughley Memorial Lecture in the Arcadia Hall will be given by, Dr Grace Karskens, who will talk about her research and the Hawkesbury River. Tours will include trips to Lithgow, Parramatta and Mosman.
Community Invited to Attend November Annual Meeting of Dural and District Historical Society
The Society’s resources continue to help community organisations and families with research and family history. If any reader is new to the district and would like to know more about the land, or dwelling on their property, do contact the Society for assistance.
As a means of promoting the values of the Glenorie Memorial Hall an open day was held on the 21st October. Part of the extensive map collection in History Cottage was used to explain some aspects of the Ray Whiteman photograph collection displayed in the Hall.
The 11th November will be the last meeting for 2013. The guest speaker will be the highly regarded, Professor Don Napper, who will tell the story of Colonial Architect, Francis Greenway; from convict forger to pauper and on our ten dollar note.
The November meeting is in the Galston Uniting Church, School Road, Galston, starting at 2.00pm. Entry is free with a gold coin for afternoon tea. All welcome.
Enquiries to Michael Bell 02 9653 1365.
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