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Arcadia Galston Residents Association

On the 12th of March a free community BBQ was held at Arcadia Community Hall. The event was organised by Arcadia Galston Residents Association- AGRA with the over 60 people attending.

The rain held off for what turned out to be a very well-received, relaxed afternoon of plentiful good food and chat. Picnic blankets were spread out on the lawn and the hall veranda was a hive of conversation. A crew of volunteers helped with the food preparation and BBQ duties and Arcadia RFS brought along a fire truck which was popular with the kids.

The AGRA committee would like to thank everyone who attended and made the afternoon such a success. Several people have sent messages sharing their thoughts on the event. One person said,

“It’s great to see everyone coming together like this. I’ve lived here for years and have met so many new people today.” Another attendee said, “Thank you so much for such a great community event! It was so good to meet so many locals and get to know some new faces.”

Thanks go to Arcadia Public School P&C for the loan of their BBQ, it certainly got a good workout. Thanks also go to Galston Deli, Eric’s Tender Meats, Steamyard Café and Goodies Bakery for the fantastic food. A special shout out to Meegen Gamson, AGRA Vice-President, who coordinated the event so fabulously.

This is the first time AGRA has organised a community BBQ. We hope to do it again soon!

Visit our website for more information about AGRA

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