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Four Day Snowy Hike for 1st Dural Venturers

By Ian McArthur
Snowy HikeThe 1st Dural Venturers, a 16-18-year-old section, recently spent four days camping and snowy hike in the Mountains.

The most challenging Snowy Hike was from Charlotte Pass to a lookout above Blue Lake and return, which included a climb through alpine scrub and a tricky rock hop across the Snowy River. Blue Lake is one of Australia’s few glacial lakes located in one of just three alpine areas in the country.

Another highlight was a visit to the NSW Government’s Gaden Trout Hatchery on the Thredbo River. The hatchery is one of Australia’s main centres for breeding and rearing cold water sport fish. The Venturers Snowy Hiketook a self-guided tour. This tour included a ten-minute video that outlined the hatchery’s purpose and operations and feeding of the big fish that come to the surface in some of the hatchery’s broodstock ponds.

1st Dural Scouts meet weekly during the school term at our hall at 414 Galston Rd, Dural.

We cover all levels of scouting, up to Venturers, with both girl and boy members meeting on the following nights: Joeys (5–8years) Thursdays, Cubs (8–11years) Wednesdays, Scouts (12–15years), Snowy HikeMondays and Venturers (16-18) Tuesdays

If your children are interested, please text Ian McArthur on 0411 025 512 for details.

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Snowy Hike

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