galston community news

Dural Scout Receives Bear Award

Dural Scout Receives Bear Award

An important part of Scouting is learning new skills and earning the associated badges. However, while this is important, the Scout Promise and Law, which we all undertake to live by, emphasises corner-stone qualities that are critical in becoming a valued member of society. These include being respectful, friendly, considerate, and caring for others. The […]

GPA does koalas, DAs and builds fences… soon we hope

What Is In Glenorie’s Future - Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence, Planning Proposal, Koala Strategy

Glenorie Progress Association is about reflecting the views of our community on various issues. NSW Koala Strategy Review Elsewhere in this magazine you can read full details on our Environment Centre volunteers’ work with The Hills-Hornsby Rural Koala Project (HHRKP), led by members Lilly and Pat. HHRKP & the GPA has written submissions and encouraged […]

Richard Wilkins Supports Inala

Richard Wilkins Supports Inala

Inala CEO Alexandra Davis is excited to announce the signing of Richard Wilkins AM as their new Patron. “We are delighted to have Richard join Inala as Patron, to support and advocate for the work we do at Inala.” Mrs Davis said. Richard was inspired to take up the role of Patron for Inala by […]

NSW Koala Strategy Review

NSW Koala Strategy Review

The NSW Koala Strategy is reviewing their Strategy, inviting the public to make submissions to give new information and inform of gaps in the approach of the NSW Koala Strategy. This gives everyone a chance to comment on what is and isn’t working, and to put in a voice for the Hills, Hornsby and Hawkesbury […]