galston community news

NSW Koala Strategy Review

The NSW Koala Strategy is reviewing their Strategy, inviting the public to make submissions to give new information and inform of gaps in the approach of the NSW Koala Strategy.

This gives everyone a chance to comment on what is and isn’t working, and to put in a voice for the Hills, Hornsby and Hawkesbury region, which has so far been overlooked by NSW Koala Strategy. In fact, the NSW Koala Strategy does not list our region as an area of koala habitat at all, despite photographic, sound recorded and community reported presence of koalas in Hills, Hornsby and Hawkesbury region.

The Hills-Hornsby Rural Koala Project (HHRKP) and Glenorie Progress Association (GPA) has written submissions and encouraged the community to also do so!

A major focus of our submissions is requesting that the NSW Koala Strategy recognises the Hills, Hornsby and Hawkesbury region as koala habitat. Pillar 4 of the NSW Koala Strategy is all about gaining knowledge about the distribution of koalas throughout NSW, so the review is the perfect chance to let them know that koalas exist in our area.

NSW Koala Strategy Review

Aside from our immediate area, we can help to support Heathcote and Appin koalas by requesting that the high koala vehicle strike rate on both Heathcote and Appin roads are addressed.

Between 2022 to July 2022 to February 2024 there were 30 koalas killed on Appin Road and 11 on Heathcote Road. Local environmental groups, koala protection groups and wildlife carers have been reporting on these tirelessly, and they need our support! Pillar 3 of the NSW KoalaStrategy focuses on the health and safety of koalas, so they should be made aware of the high death toll on these roads.

Pillar 2 of the NSW Koala Strategy aims toward supporting some Councils in koala mapping. Perhaps suggestions can be made that they could work with Hawkesbury Council.

Comments were also made about Offsets, land clearing, transparency regarding expenditure and any part of the NSW Koala Strategy that could be improved or changed.

Many submissions were sent by email, post or via the online form on the NSW Koala Strategy website. Submissions were due 26th April 2024. More information can be found at:

Scott and Sons