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GPA does koalas, DAs and builds fences… soon we hope

Glenorie Progress Association is about reflecting the views of our community on various issues.

NSW Koala Strategy Review

Elsewhere in this magazine you can read full details on our Environment Centre volunteers’ work with The Hills-Hornsby Rural Koala Project (HHRKP), led by members Lilly and Pat.

HHRKP & the GPA has written submissions and encouraged the community to comment on the NSW Koala Strategy Review to give new information and inform of gaps in the approach of the NSW Koala Strategy.

We put in a voice for The Hills, Hornsby and Hawkesbury region, which has been overlooked by the NSW Koala Strategy. In fact, the Strategy does not even list our region as an area of koala habitat, despite photos, calls recorded plus reports from community members around Glenorie, Maroota and other areas in this region.

Besides being a great opportunity to let them know that koalas do exist in our area, we also support Heathcote and Appin regions by asking the Strategy to address the high koala vehicle strike rate on those roads.

Many submissions were sent by email, post or via the online form on the NSW Koala Strategy website. Submissions were due 26th April 2024.


Be a Part of Glenorie Heritage
The GPA has a focus on the Heritage of our region in the planned fence which will tell the story in sandstone carvings, of our history from the First Nations Dharug people, through European settlement by the Convict-built road, transport and agricultural history, though to today.

Your family can be part of that history by purchasing a paver with family names to be laid on the path in the precinct of the Glenorie Memorial Hall. Orders are coming in and the path will be there forever to remember you and your loved ones. Look out for our flyer for the details – in your letterbox, on the Memorial Hall noticeboard, on the Woolies’ noticeboard, or we will be outside Woolworths on some Saturdays.

Or simply scan this code to go to our website…

Development Applications (DAs)
The Progress Association keeps our members and the community in the loop when it comes to DAs with communication with the two Councils that Glenorie District spans. Both Councils advertise opportunities to Have Your Say to ratepayers. Hornsby has recently invited all to submit any comments about the HSC Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2024-2027.

The Hills SC invites registration for a new community engagement platform – a new community website called ‘Hills Have Your Say” to gather views of the wider community.

If you don’t receive these, don’t hesitate to contact the Secretary, join us to receive links to help shape the future of our wonderful district.

Also we are closely following the Artisan Brewery DA, including attending the recent Community Consultation meeting. We have fulfilled a role of bringing together the Applicant, Council and Community. The DA is now in the hands of Council and the process should take its course in this manner.

Mr. Mend