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Galston Girl Guides

Galston Girl Guides

Galston Girl Guides enjoy being outdoors, especially bush walking, having fun at Treetops Adventure park, camping and cooking on a campfire. We currently have vacancies in our Junior Guide unit, aged 6-9 year olds. If your daughter is interested in making new friends, taking part in fun activities, community service or learning outdoors, then please contact [email protected] to find out […]

News From History Cottage

News From History Cottage

What was this used for? Here is a clue; it was used on a Sydney icon 100 years ago. History Cottage The Society’s annual June Roughley Memorial Lecture, was held in the Arcadia Community Centre last month. Guest speaker, John Brock, shared his knowledge and love of surveying and history with members and guests. Mr Brock’s […]

You Raized Me Up


Falls are common as people get older. We can implement a falls prevention strategy. But what if we did have a fall? There are several techniques that can be applied by a person who had a fall to get up on their own, provided there is no injury or no medical attention is required. Your […]

Sales and Display Centre Set to Open at living Choice Galston

Sales and Display Centre Set to Open at living Choice Galston

It’s been a long time coming but it will be worth the wait. That’s the reassurance from the team at Living Choice Galston, a premium retirement village that is under construction at 330-334 Galston Road. Living Choice Regional Manager, Gail Eyres, said the sales and display centre would open its doors to invited clients on […]

Selling With Your Local Agent

Selling With Your Local Agent

BY CAROLYN WHEATLEY As a local agent, When looking for a new place to call home, one of the most exciting parts is picturing yourself living in the property and making it your own. This can be difficult. Changing your property into a blank canvas will help to tap into a large buyer pool. Opening […]