galston community news

Farewell To Liz Pellinkhof, Hills Grammar Foundation Teacher

For over forty years Liz has been a part of the very fabric of Hills Grammar. In 1982 Liz was appointed as a foundation primary school teacher for the fledgling K-Yr 9 school. She was one of 14 teachers and was charged with a composite Year 2/3 class. “It was such a thrill to be […]

Pacific Hills Christian School: Hi-tech Agriculture

Pacific Hills Christian School: Hi-tech Agriculture

Pacific Hills Christian School at Dural has installed a state of the art computerised agricultural science research station called the iFarm. This is part of the School’s expansion of its Agriculture program. The Australian designed and manufactured unit has one aim in mind: helping students to understand the resources required to produce food and fibre, […]

Galston High School – Leading The Way

Yen Huang and Benedek Hevesi-Nagy, leaders within Galston High School’s prefect team, attended the Secondary Schools Student Leadership Program at NSW Parliament House on Thursday, 29 June. Yen and Benedek were chosen to represent the school due to their proven leadership capabilities. The leadership program aims to increase students’ knowledge about the Australian political system […]

Castle Hill Art Society

ORANGE BLOSSOM FESTIVAL ART SHOW 2023 15TH – 17TH SEPTEMBER Castle Hill Art Society has been part of the Orange Blossom Festival since the 1960’s and will once again be holding the Annual Art Awards and Sale this year from Friday the 15th to Sunday the 17th of September 9am -4pm. We invite all artists […]