galston community news

Horse Agility

Horse Agility

Horse Agility is a creative way to interact with horses on the ground that uses obstacles. This can reveal insights about how to improve your relationship via a challenge with a purpose. This naturally strengthens trust, communication and rapport between handlers and their horses. Horse Agility is held the first Saturday of the month on […]

Bromeliad Society of Australia Guest Speaker Harold Kuan

Bromeliad Society of Australia Guest Speaker Harold Kuan

The next Bromeliad Society of Australia meeting will be on the 8th July with plant sales from 10am and the meeting commencing at 12noon. The meetings are held in the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill. Our special guest speaker will be one of our younger talented members […]

Galston CWA News

Our June meeting was held recently. After our business meeting the sewing machines and crochet hooks came out as we are starting to make new items to sell on stalls or donate to those in need. Popular items being made include Microwave Bowl Covers, which make heating a bowl of food easy, and also make […]

Middle Dural Toy Library Fires Up Interest With Open Day

Middle Dural Toy Library Fires Up Interest With Open Day

Middle Dural, NSW – The Middle Dural Toy Library held its inaugural Open Day on June 3rd, marking the start of a community-led initiative in fostering child development through play. Despite a misty, cool morning, the day evolved into a splendidly sunny occasion brimming with community spirit. The Open Day, celebrating World Play Day, was […]

News From History Cottage

News From History Cottage

The June meeting’s guest speaker, Doug Philpott, gave members an understanding of the wonderful work of the Historic Aircraft Restoration Society (HARS) museum at Albion Park. Their collection is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence and is a must see for aircraft enthusiasts and an ideal place for a family outing. When fire destroyed […]