Relay For Life Springs 2022

By Bev Jordan THE HILLS RELAY FOR LIFE SPRINGS INTO ACTION ON MAY 21ST, A RETURN TO THE 24-HOUR FORMAT THAT ATTRACTED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TO CASTLE HILL SHOWGROUND IN 2019. And just like 2019, Hills Relay For Life coincides with the Federal Election. There will be a polling booth on site. It’s a welcome […]
Galston Seventh Day Adventist Church

May has arrived! And I am having some flashbacks right now to when I was studying for my bachelor’s in Ministry and Theology. We used to call it ‘mad may’. All the assignments were due within a few weeks of each other, and you could almost visibly see the stress levels rising. I would like […]
Bushcare Restarts
This volunteer-based program focuses on the restoration and maintenance of Council bushland. It has now restarted following closures caused by COVID19. Bushcare group volunteers are incredibly important to protecting the native bushland, as well as preserving natural flora and fauna and removing harmful plants that could comprise these natural environments. They complete hands-on work as […]
Hidden in the Hills Bushcare
By Lachlan Turner As you drive along roads that border our bushland reserves, frequently there are signs displayed stating “Bush Regeneration in Progress”, or, “Hills Bushcare This Sunday”. If the integrity of our natural bushland scene is to be maintained, and native plants are to be protected, it is necessary from time to time for […]