galston community news

Hidden in the Hills Bushcare

By Lachlan Turner
As you drive along roads that border our bushland reserves, frequently there are signs displayed stating “Bush Regeneration in Progress”, or, “Hills Bushcare This Sunday”.

If the integrity of our natural bushland scene is to be maintained, and native plants are to be protected, it is necessary from time to time for some form of remediation work to be carried out.

Much of this work is carried out by dedicated bush care workers, many of whom live nearby to the reserve in which they work in a voluntary capacity.

This important and valuable activity is mainly brought about because of exotic and introduced plants, including shrubs, garden plants and grasses invading the borders of the natural bush areas, stifling the more delicate native vegetation.

Many other garden plants that have abundant seed production can now be found growing along the banks of bushland creeks having been washed there with stormwater after heavy rain.

Along these creek lines, there can be found infestations of blackberry, lantana and privet that have colonised this favourable moisture laden habitat. Such woody weeds are extremely difficult to remove and require the persistent efforts of volunteer bush carers.

Experienced bush care workers can be found on a regular basis doing their bit to save and protect our native species from extinction.

Also as you walk along sections of bushland tracks, bushcare work can be obvious. However, where tracks pass nearby to residential properties, there may be evidence of garden refuse and other rubbish that has been dumped into the bushland fringes. It is a shame that the devastating impact of this kind of behaviour continues to occur.

Hills Bushcare

Visit on the Hills Council web site for further information about Bushcare Groups.

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