2021 Christmas Card Design Winner

The Hawkesbury Mayor chose Coco Morrisby’s design, which Coco says is a reflection of our lives during the past year, 2021. Even Santa needed to use a QR reader! Coco attends Year 6 at Cattai Public School and said, “It took me 2 days to design the theme of my Christmas card. Not long really, […]
An Early New Year Wedding

Katrina and Mark Frost originally planned their wedding for early June, and Katrina’s parents flew up from Melbourne to attend. As with so many plans, theirs came unstuck at the airport. Their reunion was cut short because of border closures while they were in flight. Katrina’s parents immediately boarded a return plane to Melbourne, having […]
Agapanthus After a Wonderful Display
Now that agapanthus has finished blooming, don’t forget to cut off their dead flower heads. Not only will this make them look tidier, it will also reduce the chance of the plants seeding into our bushland. Agapanthus come from South Africa so can make themselves quite at home in our climate. We usually rely on […]
The Wonders of the Natural World
Twelve months ago, my gorgeous grandson Danaha was born at our property in Glenorie. For nine months we saw him everyday watching him grow and develop into an adorable little one. Despite lockdown, it was a busy time having my daughter, her husband and 3 children under 5 living with us. It was indeed a […]