galston community news


2017 saw Circular Keys Chorus named Australia’s champion small chorus at the Sweet Adelines Australia Convention in Perth, which earned us the right to travel to St. Louis, Missouri in October to compete in the Sweet Adelines International Harmony Classic competition. The Harmony Classic competition is made up of the top scoring small choruses and […]

Circular Keys Chorus

CKC is a non-profit chorus, part of the Sweet Adelines group. Our aim is to spread the love of the barbershop form of a cappella singing & share this love of performing with our communities. We support ourselves by fundraising in many different forms – shows, concerts, cake stalls, sausage sizzles, singing for various community […]

Getting the message across…

Being able to message people is one of the quickest and effective ways of communicating with family and friends. The problem is, which App to use. I used to really over think this dilemma but have now come to the conclusion that the most effective way is to use multiple Apps. Let’s look at some […]

Connecting People by Celebrating History and Heritage

(L-R) Cessnock City Council Clr Darrin Gray and Mayor Bob Pynsent, Hornsby Shire Council Clr Nathan Tilbury, Convict Trail Project Director Glynn Jacobs and the cast from Convict Footprints Productions who added some convict mayhem to the days proceedings to the enjoyment of all who attended.

The Convict Trail Project joined in the festivities of the Wollombi Colonial and Indigenous Fair launching their new website and the update of the Cartoscope Great North Road – Convict Trail Map. The new website makes the wealth of information held within the site just one easy search away for visitors. The new Itinerary […]


Galston playgroup are starting a new THURSDAY session. This playgroup has a fully equipped playroom, stocked craft cupboards, baby area, kitchen, microwave, fridge, toaster and the all important coffee maker. First two visits are free then it’s just $2.50 per week. Come and give us a try. We are located on the corner of Arcadia […]

PVF Masquerade Ball

Positive Vibes Foundation proudly presents the Windsor Road Private Clinic Moonlight Masquerade Ball Positive Vibes Foundation aims to remove the stigma of mental illness by changing attitudes in the Community, making Connections with likeminded organisations, and through Conversations with individuals and groups. Our Masquerade Ball is an entertaining evening that brings together the Hills community […]

Galston Girl Guides climb high!

At the end of Term 2, both Junior Guides and Guides visited The Edge Rock Climbing Centre in Castle Hill to develop their social skills and achieve personal challenges. At the end of the evening, three girls made their Guide Promise, receiving a certificate and their long-awaited badge sash. The Guides recently enjoyed an evening […]

The Sydney Hills Branch of the Association of Independent Retirees

The Sydney Hills Branch of the Association of Independent Retirees Meetings have commenced for 2018. We have some very interesting speakers lined up. Our next meeting will be held on Friday 7th September, 2018. At the Beecroft Presbyterian Church Hall, Welham Street Beecroft. Meeting will commence at 10.45 AM. The guest speaker will be Judy […]

The Friends of Fagan Park

All the furnishings, curtains, paintings, lampshades and small items were returned to Netherby Homestead by late July, and it is once again open to the public. Thanks to all our volunteers who assisted – it was a big job washing and ironing all the bedding, tablecloths, and the large number of doilies. It certainly looks […]


Superstitions are actually beliefs we hold without any true or rational basis; beliefs that may be exaggerated or quite simply false. Of course superstitions exist for all aspects of life – love, luck, weddings money, theatre, weather and particularly, death. They are passed on from person to person, generation or generation. Call them old wives […]