galston community news

News from St Benedict’s Church

St Vinnies to Brewarrina As mentioned last month our local St Vincent De Paul group organised a collection of goods and donations to go to the people of Brewarrina. Like many country towns Brewarrina is suffering badly from the drought and the Barwon River is a mere trickle. A drought as bad as this affects […]

Still Creek Landcare – Please don’t take away my home

In the last 40 years, 75% of the world’s flying insects and 81% of freshwater fish and water-based animals have disappeared. 99% of Australian oyster reefs are now dead. Shocking figures like these lead scientists to think we are in the 6th mass extinction in the last 500 million years. When the smaller species die, […]

News from Warrah Biodynamic Farm

For Warrah Society as whole, and especially for Warrah Biodynamic Farm, the Winter Solstice that has just passed provided the opportunity to reflect on the light and life that continues to thrive in the dead of winter. Biodynamic farming is done naturally without the use of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides or synthetic fertilisers. We work with […]

Galston Garden Club

Guest speaker Brian Chapman with the Power Planter.

A cold July night…. State of Origin…. & where is everybody? Well at Garden Club of course having a hoot of a night at our July meeting! What a good number turned up to hear our guest speaker Brian Chapman of Power Planter, and did he keep members in stitches of laughter with his easy […]

Australian Plants Society-North Shore group

The monthly meeting of the Australian Plants Society- North Shore group will be held at 7-45 pm, August 10th in the Willow Park Community Hall, 25 Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby. The speaker is Barry Lees, APS president and leader of the Hornsby Herbarium Group and his topic is “Hornsby Herbarium.” The Herbarium began in 1997 […]

Bromeliad Society of Australia – How to Mount Bromeliads for Display

The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold their next meeting at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 11 August with plant sales commencing at 11am prior to the meeting. Access is via the new Showground entrance off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill with plenty of parking on site. At this meeting […]