galston community news

Community Koala Care

Koalas were heard regularly in the Maroota Forest region before the December 2002 bushfires. In fact, parts of Maroota Forest were once a koala protection area. Since these terrible fires the only evidence of the survival of Koalas in the area has been very limited. A koala has been heard adjacent to the Broadwater Wetland […]

Counselling Psychotherapist at your call!

I am excited to offer my services as a mobile counselling psychotherapist to the area I grew up in and love so much. My passion for helping people has been with me a very long time. My parents June and Peter Lynch were very active in helping others in our community. My Father with the […]

Something Special for Seniors…

Every first Tuesday of the month something special happens in Cherrybrook Village Shopping Centre. Song, laughter and a multitude of seniors, (well quite a few!) descend upon Gloria Jeans cafe for morning tea and professional entertainment, organised and led by the indomitable Christine Lewis! And what happens? Gathered together between 9.30 and 11.00 for the […]

Wisemans Ferry Community Men’s Shed Inc

Men’s Shed Grand Opening BIG celebrations at Wisemans Ferry on Saturday 18th November BIG opening of the new Men’s Shed in the grounds of the Wisemans Ferry Bowling Club BIG Hot Rod, Vintage & Classic car show BIG Raffles & stalls Roll up for a BIG day out. Parking available in the big public park […]

Young artists in Ku-ring-gai support safety in the community

This week marks Neighbourhood Watch Week. Johnathan O’Dea (MP Davidson), Julia Eagles (Neighbourhood Watch) and Michele Bell ( KNC) met with members of the community and to present the winners of the Safety Competition which was sponsored by Neighbourhood Watch within the NSWPF Ku-ring-gai command and Ku-ring-gai Neighbourhood Centre. The competition was aimed at encouraging […]

Galston CWA News

Our AGM was conducted at the last meeting. Thank you to all those who have served in positions this year and congratulations to those who have filled new positions. Our group held a stall at the Galston Open Garden Festival last October 20th- 22nd. Please visit www. for more information. . We will be […]

Eastbend AGM 20th November

Eastbend Rural Communications Inc. will be holding its Annual General Meeting at 1.30pm on Monday 20th November at the Resource Centre, Maroota Public School, 4540, Old Northern Road, Maroota. During the meeting an election will be held to choose members of the Executive Committee for the coming year. If you wish to nominate someone, or […]

Glenorie Maroota Bioregional Forum

The Annual General Meeting of the Glenorie Maroota Bioregional Forum will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1st November at the Community Hall, Old Northern Road, Glenorie. An election will be held to choose members of the Executive Committee for the coming year. If you wish to nominate for any position or have anything you […]

Galston Girl Guides look after the local environment

The Guides have been working with the local council and volunteers on a bush regeneration project on the natives and weeds in the bushland surrounding the Guide hall. The environmental education activities included; a photo scavenger hunt, a mapping exercise, a start on the removal of Panic Grass (Ehrharta) beside the guide hall, and identifying […]

1st Dural Scouts

Scouting encourages young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes. They learn leadership skills, have a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills; they play a constructive role in our local community. If you would like your child to push themselves to heights they did not think was possible; join 1st […]