Staples premier pumpouts

Young artists in Ku-ring-gai support safety in the community

This week marks Neighbourhood Watch Week.

Johnathan O’Dea (MP Davidson), Julia Eagles (Neighbourhood Watch) and Michele Bell ( KNC) met with members of the community and to present the winners of the Safety Competition which was sponsored by Neighbourhood Watch within the NSWPF Ku-ring-gai command and Ku-ring-gai Neighbourhood Centre. The competition was aimed at encouraging children to be more aware of the need for crime prevention techniques and safety in their community. Jonathan O’Dea praised the young artists for their commitment and ability as well as their concern for their community.

Jonathan O’Dea MP presented the colouring-in prize winners their prize, certificate and green goodie bag.

For more information contact: Julia Eagles: 0410 687 412 or Michele Bell 02 9988 4966.

Prager Building