galston community news

Arcadian Quilters Inc News

We were asked to sew bags for the Breast Cancer Clinic for patients who have had a mastectomy or lumpectomy and are sent home with drains in situ. The bags were all precut and packed individually. They were then assembled and repackaged. The bags are designed to be worn across the body or over the […]

Aussie interns … a great career

Local company, Australian Pump Industries is looking to recruit marketing and engineering interns. Aussie Pumps, located on 2.1/2 acre in the Victoria Park business district, is growing so fast they need more people and they need them now! “Being an intern is a great way of studying and gaining work experience simultaneously. We call it […]

Hooper Rural Constructions

My broad work experience operating and maintaining large machinery, fencing and building was gained from growing up on a wheat and cattle property near Nyngan in central NSW. I have a love of wide open spaces, working on farms and acreage and I thrive on the challenges of outdoor work. When I first moved to […]


Long nights, short days. The days are shortest in June and the reduced hours of sunlight definitely affect our moods. This June not only was the light intensity diminished but we experienced days and days of constant rain and it felt as if everyone had gone into their burrows to hibernate. Part of my duties […]