galston community news

Galston Public School

Galston Public School students are currently enjoying a well deserved Term 2 break. Prior to this term vacation many engaging, busy and enjoyable events occurred. An Evening of Music was thoroughly enjoyed by parents and visitors alike when Galston Public School band children performed a delightful repertoire of music taught to them by the band […]

Glenorie Mission Church

If I want to become a real Christian, there are just a few simple steps I need to follow: I must acknowledge that I am not a real Christian but want to become one. I must acknowledge that I am a sinner. I have to be sorry for my sin and be genuine in my […]

Something on my tombstone

How would you like to be remembered? What sorts of qualities would you wish people to associate with you? Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist who became rich by inventing powerful explosives and selling the formula to various governments. In 1888 Nobel’s brother Ludwig died in France, and a number of French newspapers accidentally printed […]

Hillslife Church

All too often I have met Christians who can quote chapter and verse of their favourite scriptures, or those that have a deep theological knowledge and can debate the ins and outs of eschatology (study of end times). Yet less often have I met Christians who live the word, rather than just study it. What […]

Bromeliad Society of Australia

The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold their next meeting at Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 8th July commencing at 11am with plant sales, prior to the meeting at 12 noon. Access is via the new Showground entrance off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill. “Guest speaker will be Brian Chapman, Power […]

How to clear Privet without going mad

Many properties in this area have dense stands of privet, often along creeks. Landowners may have tried to clear it but it has a nasty habit of growing back, destroying your good work. In frustration you may have given up, and the privet has got thicker and covered more area until it is too big […]

Galston Garden Club

It is with much pleasure, we announce that Judy Horton, our Patron, bestowed Life Membership to one of our members, John Graham, on behalf of Garden Clubs Australia. This award is in recognition for all of John’s continued, long standing commitment and support in various roles on their committee over the years. John also worked […]