galston community news

Hornsby Police News

The following relate to local issues in the Kuring gai Local Area Command. Incident: Motor cycle crash Time/Date: About 2.50pm Friday 8th Place: Pacific Highway Cowan Cycle: Triumph Rider: 37 year old male Details: The cyclist has started a ride southbound along the Pacific Highway at Cowan, at this stage it appears a bush turkey […]

Step back in time with Australia Day celebrations in the Sydney Hills

There’s no greater way to spend Australia Day than at the historic Bella Vista Farm in the Sydney Hills. The Shire’s hidden gem will be transformed from tranquil park to festive fair, with an Old Sydney Town flavour. Step back in time and explore the local history of Australia. See Bella Vista Farm reimagined as […]

Glenorie Mission Church Editorial

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 Here we are at the beginning of a new year, freshly equipped with New Year’s resolutions, ambitions and good intentions for the year ahead. It’s great to make a fresh start, wipe the slate clean and try to improve our situation and our […]

Sydney Hills Sky Show delights crowd of 34,250

The Sydney Hills Christmas Sky Show wrapped on December 30 after a month of stunning sky shows on Castle Hill Main Street. Over the month of December the Christmas Sky Show dazzled and delighted a total of 30,250 attendees exceeding last year’s attendance by 19,050. Throughout the course of the Christmas event a total of […]