galston community news

Weed Identification, come see us at the Arcadia Market Day

Still Creek Landcare will be setting up an information stall at Arcadia School’s Market Day on Saturday. November 16th.

This year we will be putting together a selection of Weeds commonly found in our area to help you identify the problem plants in your patch.

If you want to have a plant identified bring along a sample for our experts to look at. Remember to try and bring a sample of its Flower or Seed head to help us identify it for you.

We can offer advice on how best to manage your weeds that may well save you a lot of sweat, time and back break in dealing with them.

So please come along to Arcadia Public Schools Market day for an enjoyable and maybe educational experience.

If you would like help or further information, contact Nick on 9653 2056, via email [email protected] or visit Still Creek Landcare at and on Facebook.