hills hawks

Wayne Harrison “Airbrushing – Fine Art”

Wednesday 1st August – 7.30pm

Wayne has been airbrushing over 35 years and his artworks have won awards in both USA and Australia. He says airbrushing is something everyone can learn to do – learn how to use the Airbrush, maintain it and do your own special effects and “trade” tricks. You’ll then be able to produce your very own artwork … can’t wait!!

Visitors are welcome to join with the Castle Hill Art Society 7.30pm at Castle Glen Community Centre, 155 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill. Enquiries 9899 3179. Visit www.

Workshop with Greg Hansell “Perspective”

August 12: Greg is a well-known pastel painter. His workshop discusses perspective theory, then applies it to drawing a still life. Ring Gayl on 0409 321 588 to register your interest.

Sterling Pest