galston community news

Arcadian Quilters-watching out for that good idea

I chose a good mate for this ‘lockdown period’ …. Big Ted!

Always watching out for that good idea, those wonderful summer colours or those days when nothing much has happened here in the sewing room.

We’ve had a few of those I have to admit … so, out came Big Ted’s work diary and the pen was poised.

Ideas have been shared, emails with suggested patterns and plans have been sent within the group but gee, some days do seem to be slower than others.

But consider these few words … “some restrictions will soon be eased” … it felt like someone said YOUR BUS WILL BE LEAVING IN TEN MINUTES!

Golly gosh … best get a move on – ‘just what have I achieved’ since these lockdowns started?

I’ve made lots of phone calls; chatted on FaceTime endlessly with my grandchildren and their families; my other mate and I have eaten very well; … the lazy list goes on!

Gathering my selection of patchwork blocks together I can see that the ideas are there for our combined group quilts, our plans will become real when we can see each other’s efforts, placing together all the assorted colours … quite exciting really, when these quilts do come together.

We may start getting together again in the park the way we did last year so continue to keep us on your list, check out what we are achieving, stay in touch via Carole on 9894 7749.

Continue to look out for your pals, they may be having slow days too.